Murchison Falls National Park Exploration

Murchison Falls National park also called Kabalega Falls is a beauty like no other lying in the north-west part of Uganda at the apex of lake Albert on the Victoria Nile where the waters squeeze through a tight narrow gorge on its way to the Mediterranean Sea. Let’s see how we’ll spend our time there.


Sample Itinerary

Day 1

Travel from Kampala and White Rhino Tracking

Have an early morning breakfast, at 7:30 AM drive off towards northern Uganda to the country’s largest protected area, Murchison falls National Park. After approximately 2 hours’ drive, we shall be at the Rhino Sanctuary for our first activity of the trip going on a guided walk to see the white rhinos, the animals became extinct in the early 1980s due to heavy poaching, until animals from Kenya and the United States were brought to Zziwa in 2004/5.The sanctuary’s first baby was born in 2009 from a Kenyan father and an American mother. This is the only opportunity to encounter rhinos in the wild in Uganda. After tracking the rhinos, we shall have lunch and thereafter continue our journey to the park, possibly visiting the top of the falls and doing a mini evening game drive.

Day 2

Game Drive and Boat Cruise and Hike to Top of the fall

You will wake-up to the beautiful sounds of birds, wild fresh air and spectacular view of the Nile River. After breakfast, a guided game drive gives us a chance to search for the parks resident mammals like elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, lions, leopards and hyenas. After the game drive, we shall have a lunch break in time for the afternoon Boat cruise and later maybe hike to the top of the falls.

At 2:00PM after the briefing the boat cruise is launched and while on it, we search for the resident crocodiles, snakes, hippos and different species of birds, with 450 species recorded and magnificent scenery.

OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: The hike of approximately 45 minutes for a relatively fit person will lead us to the top of the magnificent falls that the national park picks its name from. At this point, the Mighty River Nile has its water falling 40 meters down producing a thunderous noise and a full rainbow for you.

We shall thereafter return to accommodation for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3

Chimpanzee Trekking and Travel to Kampala

After an early morning breakfast, set off for Chimpanzee trekking in a tropical natural rain forest, with whom humans share 98% of genetic material. Because the trekking is done in a natural environment, the activity will last between 2-3 hours or more depending on how quick we encounter the chimpanzees. At the Budongo forest, the biggest natural forest in Uganda, a guide will brief you first before the activity and will take you into the forest. After trekking, we shall have a lunch break and start our return journey to Kampala. Depending on how you feel by this time, you will decide on visiting the Nubian community, a group of women who make handicrafts to trade and improve their welfare. The driver will drop you off to your accommodation in Kampala.